|by Peter Norvig – A Classic
Related to this post on the Bayes’ theorem|by Peter Norvig – A Classic
Related to this post on the Bayes’ theorem|How to Procrastinate Like Leonardo da Vinci
For a time my Firefox was crashing and I couldn’t find why or pinpoint which pages made it crash since usually once Firefox was reloaded the pages could be opened. I googled for a while and many reports indicated a problem with the flash plugin and offered several workaround: from reinstalling the adobe plugin to block any flash content. Unfortunately, any of those worked. I got even more puzzled when I started using Opera with similar results. I found a bug report saying that deleting the wins option on /etc/nsswitch.conf may help. Now Firefox seems pretty stable. I’ll try to figure out what’s happening here and post any update here.
/etc/nsswitch.conf ------------------ #editado por el supuesto bug de firefox #hosts: files mdns4_minimal [NOTFOUND=return] wins dns mdns4 hosts: files mdns4_minimal [NOTFOUND=return] dns mdns4
Log on my experience installing Monodevelop Beta 2 from sources in Ubuntu 8.10 with Mono 2.2 already installed (the bolded steps are the ones that actually worked).
configure --prefix=/usr
– FAILED on make from some missing pango, glib depencies
Update: Check the encoding conversion note for FreeTDS
Following this post I’m detailing the process I’ve done (took me less than 10 minutes):
Set up variables on ~/.bashrc – no se si quedaron bien, las hice como root
export ODBCINI=/etc/odbc.ini export ODBCSYSINI=/etc export FREETDSCONF=/etc/freetds/freetds.conf
All of the following can be installed via apt-get:
install unixodbc
install tdsodbc
install unixodbc-dev
install freetds-dev
configure /etc/freetds/freetds.conf (check the client charset section since FreeTDS uses ISO-8859-1 by default and it’s very likely you want to change it (check here ):
[MY_SERVER_NAME] host = 192.168.0.YY port = 1433 tds version = 8.0 #Checar si se usan otras versiones: client charset = UTF-8
install sqsh
test with
sqsh -S DB -U user -P pass
configure /etc/odbc.ini
[MY-SERVER-NAME] Driver = FreeTDS Description = Conexion a Sql con FreeTDS / ODBC Trace = No Servername = MY-SERVER-NAME
configurar /etc/odbcinst.ini
[MY-SERVER-NAME] Driver = FreeTDS Description = Conexion a Sql con FreeTDS / ODBC Trace = No Servername = MY-SERVER-NAME Database = MY-DATABASE-NAME
I’m trying Heroku with the same app that runs this blog. And it’s great! In no more that 2 hours I get the app up and running with few workarounds needed.|Nice description of this Key-Value store project for Ruby