Operating System usage in OCCMundial.com

This is a brief statistic of the Operating System usage to access OCCMundial.com over the last month, from December 22, 2008 to January 21, 2009 as reported by Google Analytics. The Operating Systems, with less or equal than 0.05% of the visitis and that are not mentioned in the table, are (in decrement order): SymbianOS, Playstation 3, Nintendo Wii, SunOS, PalmOS, PSP, FreeBSD, Android, Danger Hiptop (?), and OpenBSD (and others not identified).

It’s worth to mention that in this period of time we had over 5 million visits, so we consider this a pretty good sample of the overall usage of Internet in México.

OS % of Visits
Windows 97.64%
Macintosh 1.65%
Linux 0.35%
iPhone 0.14%
iPod 0.12%


Tools I always install:

  • Vim
  • WinMerge: Diff & Merge, with the next two [Windows]
  • TortoiseSVN: Makes easier SVN and is required for the following [Windows]
  • VisualSVN: To integrate SVN to Visual Studio [Windows]
  • Launchy: Makes you way more productive [Windows, testing on Linux]
  • IMy: Integrates Live Messenger with Launchy. I’m thinking on extending it to Pidgin for Linux.
  • Ext2 IFS for Windows: Access ext2/3 filesystems on Windows for dual boot environments
  • 7Zip
  • PuTTY and WinSCP
  • Cygwin
  • ViEmu: Vim emulator for Visual Studio.
  • GIMP and Inkscape

Firefox addins:

  • Firebug
  • YSlow
  • Clear Cache
  • Cooliris


DIY DNA: One Father’s Attempt to Hack His Daughter’s Genetic Code


Even if it’s absolutely improbable that Hugh’s quest turns successful, he MUST go on. He is in the land of uncertainity, with a huge payoff if he succed: his daighter’s health. That reward is so great that even with a extremely low chance, it’s worth trying. This is one of the most inspiring stories I’ve ever read and send best wishes to Beatrice, Hugh and his family… I hope there’s anything we can do to help.