Month: April 2009
Data & Graphs | Datos y Graficas – Influenza
All data is based on official reports as presented by the media. I’ll try to get the references for older data.
- Susp: Suspected Nationwide.
- Ratio refers to the ratio of suspected deaths of swine flu to total suspected cases on a same report.
- Date/Time is aproximately to when authorities made information public.
Todos los datos están basados en cifras oficiales. Voy a tratar de recuperar las referencias de los días anteriores.
- Susp: sospechos a nivel nacional; Total:casos, Deaths:fallecimientos
- Ratio se refiere a la relación entre muertes sospechosas de H1N1 a casos sospechos dados en un mismo reporte.
- La fecha/hora es aproximada al momento en que fueron dados a conocer los datos oficiales
Date | Susp.Total | Susp.Deaths | Ratio | Reference |
04/25/09 08:00 PM | 1004 | 68 | 6.77% | |
04/26/09 03:00 PM | 1300 | 81 | 6.23% | |
04/26/09 08:00 PM | 1614 | 103 | 6.38% | |
04/27/09 12:00 PM | 1995 | 149 | 7.47% | |
Susp.Total | Total de casos sospechos
Susp.Deaths | Fallecimientos sospechos
Ration on reported cases | Relación en casos reportados
More Links to Track the Swine Flu Outbreak
Chris Anderson is maintaining this master list.
Follow @Veratect and ElUniversal on Twitter
Links on Swine Flu (Influenza)
New Scientist:
WHO Containment Plan / Plan de contención de la OMS:
Minimalsites|Beautiful web design
The Freezer
Update: Freezer esta descontinuado
I’ve added a new function to this blog: The Freezer. It’s a Web Cache (or Internet Archive) function that keeps a local copy of some pages that are referenced by the blog posts, so you can always go back to the exact version of the page when it was originally referenced. Web Pages changes or dies continously, and it’s annoying when some useful information is lost when you need it.
The Freezer downloads the desired page, deletes any javascript it founds, tries to download every image and CSS files (and images referenced on the CSS) and modifies the links to point to the local copies. The purpose is to keep a snapshot of the page, obvioulsy not a working copy of it.
On the Blog Post, the links to freezed pages (icicles) are modified to point to The Freezer, and a external-link icon is added to reference to the actual page. Also, the content of the freezed pages is indexed so the Search function of the site can find inside it’s content or as part of the original post.
If you think any of the freezed content should not be cached for any reason, drop me a message and I’ll remove it as soon as possible.
I Told You So – Interview with Nassim Taleb
Check . For me, one of the key teachings of The Black Swan is: the median and other measures are only relevant if the distribution is Gaussian, and it rarely is.
Fotograf????a Aerea de M????xico – Aerial Photography of Mexico
Afortunadamente sigue mejorando, ahora con fotos del país
startuptools: Hints for Startups. RT@jennielees
startuptools is a nice compilation of tools to&for startups.